Advocacy Hub

Welcome to Advocacy Hub

By Ben Katekar

By Ben Katekar

Advocacy Hub was born from my years of being involved in advocacy training courses as a participant and now as a coach in Australia, UK and South Africa.

Over the years of teaching (and learning) alongside masterful advocates, I have heard endless advocacy war stories, been given invaluable feedback, gleaned insights and collated papers that have immeasurably improved my advocacy.

Advocacy Hub has 4 main features:

1. Resources - to assist your advocacy, and

2. Blog - A community driven space to share advocacy resources, stories and to seek support

3. Subscribe - to The Advocate: our monthly newsletter featuring an interview with a reputable advocate sharing their ideas on excellent advocacy.

4. Social Media - Join up on Twitter or Instagram.

This is your Advocacy Hub. Please contribute to it.

I look forward to receiving your ideas and contributions.

Ben Katekar